Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Reason why people choose Drugs / Dangers of using Drugs

Reason why people choose Drugs 

1. Because they are addicted to used some kind of Drugs.
2. Because they want to hide some their problem.
3. Because of some people that influences them to use and to sell drugs.
4. To loosed more full of stress.
5. over being confident.

Dangers of using Drugs

1. Addiction
2. Withdrawal symptoms
3. Delirium tremens


1. Antacid – it can control the acidity of our stomach.
2. Laxatives – for constipations
3. Cortisone – for arthritis
4. Penicillin - for pneumonia and strep throat
5. Tranquilizer – it can control nervousness and sleep aid
6. Barbiturates - it is a pain killer
7. Insulin – for the person have diabetes


1. Alcohol - can be taken when your body needs alcohol. Drinking Alcohol may cause body injure, its damages your brain cells and it can never be repaired. Pregnant cannot drink alcohol it can cause to the inborn child.

2. Tobacco - Nicotine is a harmful thing about tobacco it can irritate the lining of your lungs and also cause some diseases like:

-bladder cancer

3. Marijuana - some people called marijuana as "mary jane'' marijuana can dis-sort how person  perceives to think that can cause trouble or an accident and it can affect persons mind  after they used.

Friday, July 5, 2013

What is Drugs?

The Good Drugs: 
drug is a substance which may have medicinalintoxicatingperformance enhancing or other effects when taken or put into a human body or the body of another animal and is not considered a food or exclusively a food.

The Bad Drugs / illegal Drugs:
Illegal drugs are drugs which have controls on them by a government and are illegal in certain situations (a person is not allowed to have them). A drug is any chemical designed to affect the human body. A psychoactive drug is a drug that affects the brain. Some controlled drugs are allowed if you have permission (called a "prescription") from a doctor. Other drugs are illegal - meaning you are never allowed to have them. Alcoholcaffeine (coffee),nicotine (tobacco), aspirin and acetaminophen/paracetamol (Tylenol) are all drugs.
